3 Important Changes that Pres. Biden’s July EO Has Set for the Telecom and Tech Industries

In looking to promote and strengthen competition in America’s economy, Pres. Biden signed a sweeping Executive Order that implements changes in key industries. Containing a total of 72 initiatives for different industries, the long list includes orders for regulators of the telecom and technology industries to promote fair competition by implementing three important changes, namely:

  • The Reinstatement of Neutrality Rules
  • Maintain Transparency of Broadband Prices and Subscription Rates
  • Eliminate Conditions that Deprive Consumers the “Right to Repair”

The Biden administration sees the promotion of fair competition as the force that will make capitalism work for the benefit of all and not just of the moneyed capitalists.

Reinstatement of Neutrality Rules

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has been ordered to reinstate the neutrality rules that were introduced during the Obama administration, but subsequently repealed by ex-pres Donald Trump. Reinstating the said rules will prohibit providers of Broadband Internet Access Service (BIAS) to diminish Internet services by suppressing speeds, or by blocking access to selected websites or online services.

The White House fact sheet supporting the Executive Order gives emphasis on the Biden administration’s objectives in reinstating the neutrality rules. That is, to put and end to the practice of deliberately and discriminatorily slowing down Internet access, as supported by the Trump administration.

Maintain Transparency of Broadband Prices and Subscription Rates

The new Executive Order uges the FCC to promote price transparency by formulating rules that require BIAS providers to periodically report on broadband price rates and subscription charges. The FCC, will in turn, disseminate price information to the American public.

The new directive also calls for the elimination of early termination fees that BIAS providers charge on consumers who opt to shift to another service provider. On the average, Internet service providers charge $200 as early termination fees.

Additionally, Pres. Biden’s EO urges the FCC to revive the so-called Broadband Nutrition Label, which helps ensure that BIAS customers do not pay for hidden fees and add-ons unknowingly.

Eliminate Conditions that Deprive Consumers of the “Right to Repair”

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is encouraged to introduce rules that would ensure the right of consumers to use a third party provider of repair services or to take on Do-It-Yourself repairs on their devices. While the order for “right to repair” seems broad ranging, the July EO specifically takes aim at manufacturers of mobile phones and other handheld communication devices.

As it is, manufacturers impose restrictions or incorporate designs or features that would preclude device users from bringing their units to third party repair shops, or to resort to DIY. This is quite important especially if the manufacturer’s repair fees are deemed too costly and time consuming due to the long queue of requests for repairs being handled by the manufacturer’s repair service centers.

The State of Towing Services in California During COVID-19

The Coronavirus, or COVID-19 outbreak, has taken the whole world by storm in barely some weeks, resulting in entire states and countries closing down in a shot to slow its spread. While California has fared better than other states, local governments and citizens alike do their part to stay the vulnerable safe during these uncertain times.

Tow Truck


The new safety measures have obviously had sway on businesses and other institutions like schools and places of worship; travel deemed unnecessary has been discouraged. However, there are still many people on the road, many of whom still have to work as the pandemic rages on around them. These individuals may face hazards and conditions that leave their vehicles stranded. due to this, it’s important to grasp how the coronavirus pandemic has and can still affect the towing industry.

Social Distancing When Towing

The State’s Health Department advises social distancing even for people who aren’t high risk. In other words, California residents should avoid leaving home when possible; if going out is unavoidable, maintain a distance of a minimum of six feet far away from people. This effort is to assist protect the highly vulnerable population of California, namely the elderly, those with underlying health conditions, and folks with compromised immune systems.

It’s also advisable to wear a mask if you’re showing any symptoms of being ill. whether or not you suspect you’ve got allergies or another illness unrelated to the Coronavirus, it’s best to limit your exposure to others just in case.

With the shortage of traveling, there should be a reduced need for towing within the California area, however, if your vehicle breaks down during a necessary trip, there are precautions that ought to be taken while seeking help.

Passenger Safety

If you’re a motortruck driver working during the COVID-19 pandemic, you must take extra precautions to stay both you and your passengers safe. As of the California State Government’s last update, there has been no mention of reducing or increasing towing services, though the UTA has issued transportation tips that ought to help prevent the spread of the Coronavirus between drivers and passengers.

  • If you have got to cough or sneeze, cover your mouth together with your inner elbow or with tissues.
  • Avoid touching your face or eyes.
  • For drivers: disinfect your towing vehicle between passengers.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly after each trip.


ALSO READ: Marketing Towing Company On Social Media


If Your Car Breaks Down

If your vehicle breaks down on the side of the road and a citizen stops to assist you, practice social distancing. If you would like assistance, allow the citizen to produce it, but attempt to keep a six-foot barrier between yourself and other individuals in any respect times. If possible, stay inside your vehicle while the great samaritan inspects the difficulty you’re facing.

If you have got already drawn up a tow car to retrieve your vehicle, explain this to the individual once they stop to supply help, then wait inside your vehicle until the wrecker arrives.

If you’re having the tow car driver provide you with a ride to the closest spot, do your best to avoid unnecessarily touching the inside of his or her vehicle. If you’re feeling the necessity to sneeze or cough, take care to hide your mouth. Additionally, it’s a decent idea to require the seat farthest from the driving force in an attempt to take care of social distancing the maximum amount as possible.

If it’s not too cold and the weather allows it, the CDC recommends that you simply keep the tow truck’s windows receptive keep fresh air flowing into the cabin.

Towing Companies and therefore the Community

Because most California residents are following the strong suggestion to remain reception, many of us have missed work or are laid off until further notice. While finances became tight for an enormous number of households, transportation needs haven’t been placed on hold. as an example, if your vehicle has recently sustained damage and can not run, you’re in need of a mechanic irrespective of this situation.

If you discover yourself wanting to have a mechanic repair your vehicle, you may consider calling a towing company to see whether they’re expanding services during the pandemic. because of the increased need for reliable transportation, you may be ready to find towing San Jose companies who are willing to help you when it involves getting your vehicle to and from a place.

It’s understandable that traveling may be unavoidable in some situations, and since of this, individuals must remember to take care of social distancing. do you have to encounter a desire for towing services, do your best to stay a secure distance between driver and passenger? for extra information, regularly monitor your state’s government pages and also the Center for Disease Control. Additionally, you would possibly want to contact individual towing companies to see whether or not they have adopted individual company measures for disease prevention.

